Guilherme Senna Rossoni
Business Development Manager
The Most Reviewed App Developer in Brazil
2 min de leitura

The Plathanus team is very happy and excited to announce that our team has been recently recognized by The Manifest. According to their recent research, our company is one of the most reviewed app developers in all of Brazil on their platform. This is a huge accomplishment for us and we are very happy to celebrate this incredible milestone with you!
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The Manifest, in case you haven’t heard about them, is a business guide website that looks to gather and verify the hard data, expert insights, and actionable advice that you need to build your brand and grow your business – to provide the practical business wisdom that manifests in your success.
This award is very special because it is our clients who made this possible! Thank you so much for trusting us and for supporting our company. There wouldn’t be Plathanus without you! We are very thankful for the opportunity to work with amazing and terrific people like you guys.
At Plathanus, we craft amazing web and mobile application design and development. These types of awards are great reminders that we are on the right track. They also help us fuel our passion and dedication to our services. Rest assured that we will continue to hone and improve our services in order to further help our current and future clients reach their goals.
Let’s start a project together! Contact us to learn more about our solutions and the services we offer. And don't forget, everything can be customized to your business needs.
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